Category Archives: Technology

Geeky stuff

Django snippet: reduce image size during upload

Just a quick python snippet I written today to reduce the image size during upload class PhotoField(forms.FileField, object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PhotoField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.help_text = “Images over 500kb will be resized to keep under 500kb limit, which may result in some loss of quality” def validate(self,image): if not str(image).split(‘.’)[-1].lower() in [“jpg”,”jpeg”,”png”,”gif”]: raise ValidationError(“File… Read More »

Creating custom log handler that logs to database models in django

I was told to create some kind of logging mechanism to insert logs into database, and make sure it’s generic. So after some thought I decided to mimic the builtin RotatingFileHandler and write a DBHandler. The RotatingFileHandler allows you to specify which file to write to and rotate files, therefore my DBHandler should also allow… Read More »

How to apply patches from Git commits

The following link shows you how to generate a patch file from git commits, In the second part of this artcle, I will show you how to use the generated patch to apply to the working directory. to be continued…

How to extend JQuery UI plugin

The existing dialog plugin doesn’t have an option to close dialog on clicking modal overlay, how to add an option to provide the functionality? (function($){ var _init = $.ui.dialog.prototype._init; $.ui.dialog.prototype._init = function(){ var self = this; _init.apply(this,arguments); $(‘.ui-widget-overlay’).live(‘click’, function(){ if (self.options[‘overlay_close’]){ self.destroy(); } }); } })($);

Google Map v3 OverlayView Code Sample

Today I was writing some google map javascripts and had to implement the icons via OverlayView class, so I think I might share it in case anyone need some sample code. //”gmap” is an instance of the google map //creating the class to exntend the google map OverlayView class function MapLocationIcon(id,lat,lng,title,icon_class){ = lat; this.lng… Read More »

Python code snippet for DPS webservice

import suds url = “” client = suds.client.Client(url) #print client username = “USERNAME” password = “PASSWORD” trans = client.factory.create(‘TransactionDetails’) trans.amount = 1 trans.cardHolderName = “Test” trans.cardNumber = ‘4111111111111111’ trans.inputCurrency= ‘NZD’ trans.cvc2 = ‘000’ trans.dateExpiry = ‘0412’ trans.txnType = ‘Purchase’ print client.service.SubmitTransaction(username, password, trans)

MySQL locate function

So everyone knows sql LIKE to search wildcard matches the criteria. How about in a situation that you need to return all the rows that has value is part of the criteria string. eg. given a full URL, return all the rows with uri_part field that values are part of the URL string. +————+… Read More »