Category Archives: Programming


Use “get” methods to help writing more testable code

Imagine you have the following code def do_something(): users = User.objects.filter(dob__gte='1980-01-01') for user in users: # do something to user If you were writing unit test against do_something(), you would need to do some complex mocking on User.objects.filter() to return some mock up data. But this can be easily prevented by refactoring into a separate… Read More »

Minimal Django script setup

import os, sys, pathlib # if script is in on 1 level deep # sys.path.append(str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[1].absolute())) sys.path.append(str(pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute())) os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "main.settings") import django django.setup() # import your django models # do your django work

Notes about python logging

Consider the following code import logging'trying to log something') Executing above: It won’t log anything to console, because it default to level warning It won’t log anything to console, because no stream has been set import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)'trying to log something') logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug('trying to log something debug') Executing above: Running basicConfig(…) default adds… Read More »

Good Read: Being A Developer After 40

“In our industry, every technology generates what I call a “galaxy.” These galaxies feature stars but also black holes; meteoric changes that fade in the night, many planets, only a tiny fraction of which harbour some kind of life, and lots of cosmic dust and dark matter. Examples of galaxies are, for example, .NET, Cocoa, Node.js,… Read More »

Django Rest Framework QuerySet

I have just created this python library so that you can query the remote api just like the Django queryset. It is particularly usefully when used in Django ListView with pagination. 

Posting image to thumbor using requests package

Seems like there are not many code sample there, and the requests documentation was giving the wrong hint to use files={‘file’: open(‘image.jpg’)} which you will end up getting 415 response code. I think I will just share my working sample code here to save someone’s time import requests # local file with open(‘image.jpg’, ‘rb’) as… Read More »